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Showing posts from October, 2022

Do people really love cows?

Do people really love cows? Cow, the best creature on earth. People's view and understanding towards cows is very loving. As humans hate and envy other animals, they love cows very much. In Nepali society, there is a tradition of worshiping cows.

Why are men drunker?

Why are men drunker? It is well known that men drink more alcohol than women. Look at any society, any house, men are more advanced when it comes to drinking alcohol.

Photo Album: Missing Memories Network

Photo Album: Missing Memories Network Earlier, when a visitor came to the house, it was customary to keep a photo album in front of the house along with tea and biscuits. The guests used to pass the time by looking at the photos taken by their family members in different eras.

After how many days of menstruation does pregnancy occur after physical contact?

After how many days of menstruation does pregnancy occur after physical contact? Whether you are planning to have children or you are expecting children, you need to know about the pregnancy cycle. Especially, it can be decided whether or not to be pregnant based on the day of menstruation.

Drink jaggery and basil mixed with milk at night, health will get many benefits

Drink jaggery and basil mixed with milk at night, health will get many benefits Health benefits of Tulsi Jaggery and Milk: Drinking milk containing basil, jaggery daily also relieves from normal headache or migraine.

Risk of blindness in children due to premature birth, know how to prevent it

Risk of blindness in children due to premature birth, know how to prevent it Newborn Baby Blindness Causes: Premature birth increases the risk of blindness in babies, know prevention.

What is diabetes and why? Know how this disease affects the body

What is diabetes and why? Know how this disease affects the body Diabetes has become a serious health problem nowadays, know in simple language what is diabetes and how this disease affects the body.

Sugar level can be reduced in 15 days, an expert said 4 steps

Sugar level can be reduced in 15 days, an expert said 4 steps Blood Sugar Level: The number of diabetes patients in India is increasing day by day. Apart from adults, children are also affected by this disease.

Heart disease with diabetes? Follow the doctor's advice to stay healthy

Heart disease with diabetes? Follow the doctor's advice to stay healthy If you have heart disease along with diabetes, then definitely follow the doctor's advice

Which is the best cooking oil for heart health?

Which is the best cooking oil for heart health? Best Cooking Oil for Heart Health: It is very important to use the right cooking oil to maintain heart health. Know the best oil for heart-

Natural Remedies to Fix Imbalanced Hormones

Natural Remedies to Fix Imbalanced Hormones Natural Ways to Balance Your Hormones: These natural ways can be done to correct the problem of unbalanced hormones.

Make these homemade conditioners for oily and damaged hair

Make these homemade conditioners for oily and damaged hair Homemade Deep Conditioners for Damaged Oily Hair: Make this conditioner easily at home to make your hair shiny and smooth.

Which juice should be drunk for strength in the body? Learn from a dietitian

Which juice should be drunk for strength in the body? Learn from a dietitian Fruit Juices Good for Strength: Drinking juice is very beneficial to give instant energy to the body and increase strength, know which juice should be drunk for strength?

Drink cumin, cardamom, and coriander tea to get relief from flatulence

Drink cumin, cardamom, and coriander tea to get relief from flatulence Herbal tea made from cumin, coriander and cardamom should be drunk to get rid of bloating.

Which method is most effective for removing armpit hair?

Which method is most effective for removing armpit hair? Beauty conscious women remove armpit hair. For this, some people use blades and some use hair remover cream.

When someone is crazy after a breakup

When someone is crazy after a breakup Sagar Adhikari became paranoid after seven years of unbroken love relationship ended unexpectedly. He could not leave the house. Sagar narrates that he would always have flashbacks of the moments he had spent with her.

Cracked Software Download Advantage Disadvantage

Cracked Software Download Advantage Disadvantage Today's time is very digital and all kinds of work is done with the help of computer and computer is like a waste without software. We need many types of software to work in computer and all those software They are quite expensive, which not everyone can easily buy. To use such software, we have to do some gambling and we crack it to use the necessary software and then use it, due to which it becomes available for free. Let us know in this article, what is crack software and where can we download it.

Unwanted hair removal

Unwanted hair removal We will share home remedies and remedies to remove unwanted hair in this article If unwanted hair is on a person's arms, legs, waist or face, then it affects his beauty. Because of these unwanted children, we have to face embarrassment in front of people many times This unwanted hair does not affect your health, but it reduces your confidence This is one such cosmetic problem that many women are troubled by today Clean skin is the dream of every woman, everyone wants to look beautiful like movie stars. When we see heroines on TV, in films, we think that we wish our skin was as smooth and beautiful as them. But then knowing about his expenses, we forget about that, and leave that dream

From when does Nepal's government postal service completely send letters and parcels abroad?

From when does Nepal's government postal service completely send letters and parcels abroad? Officials have said that there is still confusion as to when the work of sending letters to foreign countries of Nepal, which has been interrupted since the start of the Covid epidemic, will start.

Why is the air ticket to and from Nepal more expensive than elsewhere?

Why is the air ticket to and from Nepal more expensive than elsewhere? Businessmen and aviation officials have said that because the price of aviation fuel in Nepal has been higher than in other Asian markets for years, international flight tickets to and from here are more expensive.

Weather: How does extreme heat affect our brains?

Weather: How does extreme heat affect our brains? July 1988. America's hottest month on record. The majority of the city's residents were on the beach, while the excessive use of air-conditioning equipment made electricity consumption extremely high.

Ice Cream: This is how the taste is changing

Ice Cream: This is how the taste is changing Few things are as satisfying on a hot summer day as cool ice cream. But while enjoying the ice cream, have you ever wondered how much effort goes into making ice cream?

This is how your iPhone is tracked even when it's off

This is how your iPhone is tracked even when it's off Researchers at the Technical University of Damstadt in Germany have discovered that the iPhone can be tracked even when it is turned off. Khaj has concluded that the wireless chips in the iPhone work even when it is turned off.

Metaverse is not used by Meta employees

Metaverse is not used by Meta employees Saying that the virtual world is the future, Mark Zuckerberg has invested a lot for his Metaverse project. He also rebranded the name of his company from Facebook to Meta. But his own employees do not use the company's flagship app 'Metaverse'.

Telegram founder urges not to run WhatsApp to avoid hacking

Telegram founder urges not to run WhatsApp to avoid hacking Popular messaging apps with various features are Telegram and WhatsApp. However, which of these two apps is more secure and reliable has always been a matter of controversy. Meanwhile, the founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, has given a statement that WhatsApp is not safe for users.

Twitter can no longer take screenshots

Twitter can no longer take screenshots Twitter is going to provide its users with a feature that does not allow them to take screenshots. Instead of taking a screenshot of the actual tweet and sharing it, the company is about to introduce a new feature to encourage the activity of copying the link of the tweet or sharing the link.

Bar Code, Information

Bar Code, Information You go shopping somewhere or go to such a place where you get the goods in packing. Have you ever seen that whatever packet is given to you, there is a thin and thick stick of black color on it? This question must have come in your mind that what is this line? Some information is hidden in that line. You are being told about this bar code in this article. So read this article till the end so that you can get complete information regarding it.

What is MAC Address?

What is MAC Address? If you know the basics about computers, then you will know that the network is not only developed through the computer but also many other networks are connected to a device which helps the network to work easily. does. Many problems are faced in identifying one device in front of another device, to solve these problems and to identify different devices, they are given a different number and that number is currently known as physical address. is These physical addresses are known as MAC addresses in the language of computers and networks. In this article, we are providing you complete information about this MAC address.

These foods become toxic when mixed together

These foods become toxic when mixed together Earlier, it was said that curd should not be mixed with fish and meat. Milk and meat were not eaten together. However, now there is a tendency to cook these foods together and eat them.

Uterine palpation: When the fetal movement begins

Uterine palpation: When the fetal movement begins A very important organ in the female body, the uterus. It is not only an organ but also the original source of creation. A tiny embryo develops inside this. And it becomes life. As many people as there are in the world today, their place of origin is this womb.

How to turn off friend suggestions on Facebook

 How to turn off friend suggestions on Facebook Users of the world's most popular social network, Facebook, can turn off People You May Know and Friend Suggestions. There are many such people on Facebook who want to limit their circle of friends. In this case, they try not to have too many friends.

You have to pay to watch the FourK video on YouTube!

You have to pay to watch the FourK video on YouTube! YouTube, which is popular as a platform to watch videos for free, is gradually transforming into a paid platform. In recent times, Google has linked various features of YouTube with premium subscriptions. As a result, users have to pay for a better experience on YouTube.

Now only individual accounts can advertise used cars on Facebook Marketplace

Now only individual accounts can advertise used cars on Facebook Marketplace If you want to buy a second hand car, Facebook Marketplace and other platforms have made it very easy. On such platforms, dealers and users put the car for sale along with its price and features. From there you can buy the car you like.

Finally, Twitter has a feature that allows you to edit tweets

Finally, Twitter has a feature that allows you to edit tweets Finally, Twitter has released the edit button. Along with this, tweets that have been posted on Twitter can also be edited. However, the company has limited this feature. Currently, this feature can only be used by users in Australia, Canada and New Zealand. After this, it is said that it will be available in America soon. Users from other countries will have to wait some more time for this feature.

The pain of gall bladder stone can occur not only in the stomach but also in these parts of the body, know the reason

The pain of gall bladder stone can occur not only in the stomach but also in these parts of the body, know the reason Gall bladder stone pain occurs in many parts of the body. Many of us ignore this problem. Let us know about this in detail-

Does bathing at night harm your health? Know the doctor's opinion

Does bathing at night harm your health? Know the doctor's opinion Many people like to take bath at night. Taking a bath at night after a day's fatigue may give you rest, but it can worsen your health. Know all the pitfalls.

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