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Uterine palpation: When the fetal movement begins

Uterine palpation: When the fetal movement begins

A very important organ in the female body, the uterus. It is not only an organ but also the original source of creation. A tiny embryo develops inside this. And it becomes life. As many people as there are in the world today, their place of origin is this womb.

How many scientists, poets, artists, philosophers, and social reformers have been born in the world today from this womb contained in the body of a mother. However, the same pregnancy, which has made most of the mothers victims of the disease. Many women in the world are living with the same pregnancy problem. Some are losing their lives.

What condition is the uterus in any woman? How does the embryo develop there? What causes the uterus to become the home of disease? And is it enough to take the life of a mother?

Development of the uterus

During the mother's womb, women's uterus has already developed since 5 months. There is an organ called 'Müllerian dot' in the body. Two 'Müllerian dots' form the uterus. If it is fully developed in 9 months while still in the womb. Its size increases with age.

Structure of the uterus

The uterus is a hollow, pear-shaped muscular organ. It is located between the bladder and the anus. Part of the ovary is also connected to the uterus.

The ovaries are located on both sides of the uterus. The ovaries produce eggs and transport them to the uterus through the fallopian tubes. That egg is ready to be produced and fertilized by the sperm.

Uterine activation

At the age of 21, the uterus becomes active and ready to become pregnant. From the age of 21 to the age of 28, the uterus becomes active.

The union of sperm and egg

From the 9th to the 19th day after menstruation, the egg of a woman has arrived in the fallopian tube. If sexual intercourse occurs at that time, sperm enters the uterine tube from the mouth of the uterus and the union of these two takes place. After 24 to 28 hours of intercourse, the tube is attached to the lining of the uterus and the embryo develops.

Metamorphosis of the embryo

26-28 hours after fertilization, the zygote begins to divide and form a new multicellular embryo. Two days after fertilization, the embryo has 4 cells, at 3 days it has 8 cells, at 4 days it has 10-20 cells and at 5 days it has dozens of cells. Then slowly in 6 weeks the senses are formed and after 12 weeks the baby itself starts developing.

Nurturing the fetus in the uterus

During the 7th to 8th week of pregnancy in the uterus, the sal begins to form. It is through that year that the child will get all the nutrients. In 20 weeks, the baby is fully developed and from that baby receives oxygen and nutrients from the food eaten by the mother.

Movement of the fetus in the uterus

As the embryo develops, various organs begin to form. From 12 weeks, the fetus starts moving in the stomach. However, at that time the mother does not know. After 20 weeks, the baby starts moving slowly like a worm. Heart movements are also known. After 7 months, they start to move their hands and feet, move around the uterus.

Movement in the womb, mother's pain

When the baby is in the womb, various changes are seen in the mother's body. In the first 3 months of pregnancy, problems such as headaches, nausea, reluctance to eat and frequent urination begin to appear due to hormone disturbances.

Physical changes such as breast enlargement, weight gain, leg swelling, etc. are seen. In some women, problems like diabetes and thyroid also occur during pregnancy.

Development of the baby in the womb

Almost all the organs of the child are developed within 5 months. Therefore, it is advised to have an ultrasound of the pregnant woman at 5 months, 21 weeks. In that ultrasound, if there is something wrong with the child's organs, it can be detected.

Although many organs develop in 5 months, lungs develop in 34 weeks. Therefore, by 9 months, all the organs of the child will be developed.

After the baby is born

After the baby is born, it takes 6 weeks for the embryo to return to normal. In 6 weeks, the uterus returns to its original position.

Uterine disease afflicting the mother

In developing countries like ours, the most common problem in the uterus of women is the problem of ulcers in the mouth of the uterus. Along with that, tumors grow in the uterus, water blisters also appear.

Problems such as uterine prolapse, cervical cancer, pus blood clotting in ovaries, ovarian cancer and infertility are also seen.

cause of illness

Lack of hygiene is the main cause of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is also caused by genetics. In addition to that, today's unhealthy diet and disordered lifestyle also causes uterine disease.

Women who marry and conceive at a young age, have sex with many people and smoke are also more likely to get uterine disease.

Complications of disease

Problems such as uterine tumor, cervical cancer and prolapse are very complicated. These diseases can lead to hysterectomy, miscarriage, and spread of cancer to other parts of the body.

Risk of death

If cervical cancer is not treated in time, it can spread to other organs. Due to shame and lack of public awareness, women hide the problem of prolapse for a long time.

When the uterus has to be removed

Cervical cancer has spread or the uterus has been prolapsed for a long time. If tumors larger than 5 cm have grown in the uterus and ovaries, the uterus itself needs to be removed.

What to do to keep the uterus healthy and strong?

To keep the uterus healthy, special attention should be paid to the hygiene of the body and genitals. Cotton panty should be used and panty should be changed twice a day. At an early age, sexual contact and pregnancy should not be done before 20 years. Do not have physical contact with more than one person. Eat healthy food. It is equally important to do physical exercise to make the uterus strong and healthy. If any kind of problem occurs in the uterus, the uterus can be kept healthy by treating it according to the doctor's advice.


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