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A cold can cause pain, how to be careful?

 A cold can cause pain, how to be careful? It is raining time. The weather is humid. At this time, there is a fear of infectious diseases. Along with that, it is time for the weather to change. In such a situation, different types of physical problems can occur. Children, patients, elderly or people with weak immune system can suffer from minor problems. So you should be careful at this time. After some time the festival starts. We are in the mood to celebrate the festival with joy. However, if there is grief in the face of the festival itself, it will be difficult not only for yourself, but also for your family. Therefore, it is necessary to be aware and careful about health at this time. What happens in this season? However, now there is dengue panic everywhere. This is also a disease that spreads during rainy season. Dengue is an infectious disease transmitted mainly by mosquito bites. Dengue is transmitted by female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes infected with the dengue virus. There is

"Having thyroid during pregnancy can be a risk to the baby"

 "Having thyroid during pregnancy can be a risk to the baby" There may be some complications during pregnancy. Thyroid is one of them. What happens if you have a thyroid during pregnancy? Can there be any risk to the unborn child? Can children born with thyroid be disabled? What options can be adopted if there is a thyroid in this situation? Thyroid disease specialist Dr. Online journalist Sumitra Luitel's conversation with Madhu Pandey: What kind of problem is the thyroid? How to understand it simply? The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the neck. The hormones released from it control and influence the work of many parts of the body. If there is any obstruction in the production of thyroid or its related hormones, it will cause many problems. Some people call the thyroid itself a disease, but it is not. There are problems such as goiter, low production of thyroid hormone, problem of excess production of thyroid hormone, swelling of the thyroid and lumps, growth of

An uncontrolled thyroid can affect any organ

 An uncontrolled thyroid can affect any organ The thyroid is a 10 to 25 gram butterfly-shaped gland in the front of the neck, which produces the hormones thyroxine (T-30) and triiodothyronine (T-40) in the body. These hormones, which are needed by every part of the body, control the process of converting food into energy. When these two hormones are low or high, when the balance of the thyroid is disturbed, it is understood that there is a problem related to the thyroid. Which is said to be thyroid in dialect. Too much hormone is called hyperthyroidism and too little is called hypothyroidism. Among these, the most common problem is hypothyroidism. Similarly, hyperthyroidism is seen only in few people. The problem is more in women This problem is more common in women than in men. It has been found that this disease is more common in women due to disturbances in immune system. If the mother has thyroid, there is a possibility that the baby will also have it after birth. In some cases, ev

Do you have a problem with swelling in your feet? These 6 diseases can also be signs

 Do you have a problem with swelling in your feet? These 6 diseases can also be signs The problem of general swelling of feet is seen in many people. When traveling in a long-distance bus or airplane, when traveling or working while standing for a long time, when bitten by an insect, when falling, when there is an injury caused by bumping somewhere, when a bone is broken, the leg becomes swollen. A woman's feet also get swollen during pregnancy. Such problems are common for a limited period of time, which will get better on their own after some time. But in some cases, when there is a problem in the organs like heart, kidney and liver without any injury, other symptoms can be seen along with swelling of the feet every day. Therefore, if the feet are swollen, an examination should be done immediately to find out the cause. How do you know if your feet are swollen? In general, due to poor blood circulation, the legs become swollen. If you press on the leg bone or ball with your finge

Eating stale rice can cause severe damage to health, say experts

 Eating stale rice can cause severe damage to health, say experts   When you eat the leftover rice later, it is very crispy and delicious to eat. This is one of the favorite dishes of many people. People often store their leftover rice in the fridge and heat it up later. But do you know that doing this can be very harmful to your health? Yes, you read that right! You may be surprised to know, because we all have been consuming leftover rice since childhood. According to Yogacharya and nutritionist Juhi Kapoor, if you don't store leftover rice properly, you may face many problems when you eat it later. In one of his Instagram posts, he explained the harm of eating leftover rice and how to store it properly to prevent it from spoiling. In this article we are telling you about it in detail…. According to nutritionist Juhi Kapoor, "Eating left-over rice should be avoided. When cooked rice is left outside for 2-3 hours, harmful toxins, mold, bacteria start to develop in such rice,

Can Stomach Infection Cause Stomach Cancer? Know the doctor's opinion

 Can Stomach Infection Cause Stomach Cancer? Know the doctor's opinion Can an infection in the stomach really increase the risk of stomach cancer? Let's know what is the truth. Cancer disease is spreading rapidly. Different types of cancer affect people in different ways. One of these is stomach cancer. The exact cause of stomach cancer is still not clear. But some studies have linked diet and lifestyle to stomach cancer. Some people believe that stomach infection can cause stomach cancer. How much truth is there in this matter? Talked to Anil Thakwani. Causes of stomach cancer- Dr. Anil Thakwani said, "Stomach infection and stomach cancer are separate health conditions, although some infections can increase the risk of stomach cancer. Helicobacter pylori bacteria are a common cause of stomach infections and have been linked to the development of some types of stomach cancer." Giving information about stomach cancer, Dr. Anil said that, "H. pylori infection can c

A patient who has gone into a coma can also come back

A patient who has gone into a coma can also come back Many people think that comatose patients usually do not come back. That is why people who are in coma are called 'living corpse'. Because of this, many of their loved ones have lost hope of coming back after falling into a coma. A person in a coma cannot react to events and activities around them, as well as changes and problems. Many of us think that coma is a condition with no treatment option. If so, can a person really come back from a coma? What is a coma? The state in which the body cannot meet internal and external needs is called coma. Coma is when the brain becomes unconscious and stays unconscious for a long time. When someone falls into a coma, he is not aware of what is happening around him. People are alive. But it looks like he is in a deep sleep. But the breathing of a person in a coma is slow. Rare activity can also be seen in the brain. Apart from the brain, other organs of the body such as kidneys, liver, l

Taking painkillers, Ayurvedic medicines indiscriminately can cause kidney damage.

Taking painkillers, Ayurvedic medicines indiscriminately can cause kidney damage. Kidneys work to dispose of disordered things in the body, filter out toxic substances in the blood, balance water, produce hormones needed to make red blood cells, and manage glucose. But after short-term and long-term disease in the kidney, its ability to work decreases. When the kidneys do not work properly, toxic substances accumulate in the body. As a result, it affects other parts of the body as well. What are the causes of kidney disease? How to avoid this? Nephrology specialist Dr. focusing on this topic. Interview with Sameer Keshari Vaidya: What diseases occur in the kidneys? There are different types of kidney diseases. One is genetic, like polyster kidney disease. A person suffering from this disease has water-filled blisters in their kidneys from birth. Another 'chronic kidney disease' occurs due to diabetes, high blood pressure and chronic kidney disease. Other causes of sudden kidney

Makeup creams can cause kidney damage

Makeup creams can cause kidney damage Many of us know that pain relievers such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, and naproxen can damage the kidneys. But we are not so aware of the fact that fairness creams can also affect the kidneys.

After Facebook and Instagram, avatars can now be placed on WhatsApp profiles as well | A possible ban on TikTok in the US will be voted on in Parliament next month

After Facebook and Instagram, avatars can now be placed on WhatsApp profiles as well WhatsApp users can now create an 'Avatar' on their profile.

AI Is Coming For Commercial Art Jobs. Can It Be Stopped?

AI Is Coming For Commercial Art Jobs. Can It Be Stopped? Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to disrupt many industries, including the field of commercial art. AI can be used to create artworks, such as paintings and illustrations, using algorithms that are trained on large datasets of existing art. In some cases, AI can even produce art that is indistinguishable from works created by humans.

Where AI Can — and Can't — Help Talent Management

Where AI Can — and Can't — Help Talent Management Artificial intelligence (AI) can be a valuable tool for talent management, as it can help organizations automate certain tasks, analyze large amounts of data, and make more informed decisions. However, it is important to recognize that AI is not a replacement for human judgment and decision-making, and it is not a one-size-fits-all solution.

How AI can assist industries in environmental protection efforts

How AI can assist industries in environmental protection efforts Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to assist industries in their environmental protection efforts by providing insights and solutions to complex problems. AI technologies, such as machine learning and natural language processing, can be used to analyze large amounts of data and identify patterns and trends that can help industries better understand and manage their environmental impact.

Hormonal imbalance can become the cause of many problems in women, know how to balance your hormones?

Hormonal imbalance can become the cause of many problems in women, know how to balance your hormones? Hormones play a very important role in the body of women. From adolescence to child birth, hormones play a major role.

Unnecessary running on the treadmill can damage the body: fitness trainer

Unnecessary running on the treadmill can damage the body: fitness trainer Basically, the use of treadmills is increasing in urban areas. A large group of people who cannot or do not want to walk outside their homes have started running on treadmills.

Piles can be caused by constipation

Piles can be caused by constipation Poor digestion, lack of physical activity, dehydration, stress and wrong eating habits are the main causes of constipation. Constipation is a problem that causes a lot of problems while defecating in addition to not cleaning the patient's stomach properly. That is why the patient has to go to defecate many times.

Sugar level can be reduced in 15 days, an expert said 4 steps

Sugar level can be reduced in 15 days, an expert said 4 steps Blood Sugar Level: The number of diabetes patients in India is increasing day by day. Apart from adults, children are also affected by this disease.

Twitter can no longer take screenshots

Twitter can no longer take screenshots Twitter is going to provide its users with a feature that does not allow them to take screenshots. Instead of taking a screenshot of the actual tweet and sharing it, the company is about to introduce a new feature to encourage the activity of copying the link of the tweet or sharing the link.

Now only individual accounts can advertise used cars on Facebook Marketplace

Now only individual accounts can advertise used cars on Facebook Marketplace If you want to buy a second hand car, Facebook Marketplace and other platforms have made it very easy. On such platforms, dealers and users put the car for sale along with its price and features. From there you can buy the car you like.

The pain of gall bladder stone can occur not only in the stomach but also in these parts of the body, know the reason

The pain of gall bladder stone can occur not only in the stomach but also in these parts of the body, know the reason Gall bladder stone pain occurs in many parts of the body. Many of us ignore this problem. Let us know about this in detail-

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