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Showing posts with the label development

"Homework hinders children's physical and social development"

"Homework hinders children's physical and social development" 5-6 am, Children wake up. They don't learn well, they are in a hurry to go to school. Washed hands, ate breakfast, dressed, carried heavy bags. ran

What are Google and its history and development?

What are Google and its history and development? At this time, the first name that comes to hear as soon as you step into the world of the Internet is Google. Almost all the people who use the Internet are aware of this name and also use it in different ways, but very few people actually know what is Google. In fact, Google is a multinational technology (international technology) company, which provides Internet-related services (features) and products (products) to people as a service. Under this service comes online advertising technology, search cloud computing, software, hardware, etc.

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