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Showing posts with the label tumors

Tumors growing in the nose can also be cancerous

 Tumors growing in the nose can also be cancerous Cancers that occur in various parts of the body can also occur in the nose. It is difficult to imagine how serious a problem it can be if the nose, which is the main means of breathing, has cancer. In fact, the nose also contains cells that produce mucus (a liquid that contains antibodies that kill germs). When these mucus-producing cells start to grow normally near the nose, it takes the form of cancer. Problems like nose cancer are usually seen only in people who smoke a lot. The main function of the nose is to inform the brain about smell, odor, and fragrance and to breathe and exhale. In addition, a clean nose also makes the air entering the nose temperature-friendly, filters and blocks germs that enter the respiratory tract with the air, and removes dirt from the sinuses (bone cavities) around the nose. The internal structure of the nose and tumors that can be seen in it The internal structure of the nose consists of surfaces c...

How is ultrasound done that can detect stones, tumors and cancer?

 How is ultrasound done that can detect stones, tumors and cancer? You must have heard that women do a lot of ultrasound during pregnancy. How many women have had an ultrasound when they were pregnant? Many may think that ultrasound during pregnancy is only necessary to stay informed about the development of the unborn child. But that is definitely not the case, ultrasound is such a cutting-edge technology, which plays an important role not only in pregnancy but also in examining the overall condition of the body to detect problems. What is ultrasound? Ultrasound is a painless test method using electrical waves. Ultrasound is also known as 'sonography' and 'ultra sonography'. Ultrasound uses high-frequency electrical sound waves to take real pictures and videos of body parts. With the help of this device, the internal organs, soft tissues, cells and blood vessels in the body can be clearly seen through pictures and videos without any surgery. It does not use any radiati...

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