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These things are necessary to keep the newborn baby completely healthy after birth

These things are necessary to keep the newborn baby completely healthy after birth The health of a newborn baby is delicate, due to a little carelessness, his health can deteriorate, with the birth of a newborn baby, diseases can relate to him and to protect him from diseases, you should follow some important tips to keep the baby safe. should do. In this article, we will talk about 6 such simple tips that you can follow to ensure good health of the child.

How to teach a baby to chew food?

How to teach a baby to chew food? When your baby is starting to eat solid food, you can teach him to chew during this time. Learn easy ways.

Cholesterol is also needed

Cholesterol is also needed  'Cholesterol has increased.' As soon as we hear this, our mind becomes restless. When cholesterol levels increase, the risk of heart disease increases. This is our common opinion.

What happens when the second child is born by cesarean section?

What happens when the second child is born by cesarean section? Nowadays, the practice of cesarean delivery is increasing. Couples are attracted to it for various reasons. On the one hand, they believe that giving birth in this way will reduce labor pain. Similarly, now there is a tendency to give birth to a child by looking at the date.

Sadness and lack should also be taught to children

Sadness and lack should also be taught to children Suja Koirala of Kapan says, "We had to face so much suffering and poverty during our time. I have a daughter, I think that she should not have to suffer any kind of pain like us.

The suicide tendency among children in Nepal is alarming

The suicide tendency among children in Nepal is alarming Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. The day is being celebrated with various programs in Nepal with the slogan 'Asha Jagaoun, Jeevan Bachaoun'. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately seven million people commit suicide every year. According to the WHO report, one person commits suicide every 40 seconds.

Now you can use animated emojis on Android

Now you can use animated emojis on Android Google is doing its homework to provide a new generation of free emojis under its 'Noto Emoji Project'. For that, it is said that 31 new emojis will be added first. By adding that, there will be a total of 3,664 Unicode emojis for Android.

Why do girls get excited after shopping?

Why do girls get excited after shopping? As the date of Dashain approaches, the season of shopping has begun. In the context of Dashain, it is said, "The festival of eating sweets and wearing good clothes."

Fear in dating: How important is it to set an age limit?

Fear in dating: How important is it to set an age limit? It is not surprising to have a love relationship at a young age. While in a love relationship, it is not rare to meet and talk sweetly about love and longing. Because love is such an emotional stage, which every person goes through.

UK Royal Family: Here's what you need to know

UK Royal Family: Here's what you need to know Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, died last Friday at the age of 99. He was married to Queen Elizabeth II 73 years ago. Prince Philip is by far the longest-married head of state in Britain's modern history.

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